Season’s Greetings
Insert conference flyer image here:
Greetings All Members,
2020 has been a difficult year for all. Especially, those in the helping profession. But your tenacity and dedication has assisted our community in getting through these trying months. It is our hope that this holiday season comes as a much needed rest to our members, and that you take this time to pour back into yourselves what you have given to your community all year. The BCA board is working on a number of new projects that we are excited to roll out for you in the new year, and are open to finding new and innovative ways to meeting the professional needs of our membership. Although we are not yet out of the woods as it pertains to Covid-19, let us take this time to give pause and be thankful for how far we have come together.
Sincerest wishes from your
BCA Board
Meet Your Board
Camille Creary, Social Media and Marketing Executive
Camille Creary is a young vibrant social worker with a passion for those entangled in systemic social injustice. She obtained her BA in Psychology in 2013 for Spelman College in Atlanta GA, then went on to enroll in a dual Master’s program at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Ms. Creary completed her Masters in Social Work with a clinical concentration, as well as a Masters in Criminology in 2017. Throughout her educational career, Ms. Creary gained experiences working in a day program for adults with mental disorders as a group facilitator in Atlanta, teaching betterment groups and addictions counseling at Gadsden Re-Entry Correctional Facility in Florida, and utilizing restorative practices while stationed at a Title-1 middle school also in Florida. Returning to Bermuda in December of 2017, Ms. Creary is a mandated children’s officer working with Bermuda’s most vulnerable populations. Advocating for and assisting Bermuda’s disenfranchised families has become a passion for Ms. Creary. At this time Ms. Creary has goals of obtaining her LCSW certification, and becoming a therapist utilizing holistic techniques. Operating in a new post as the Social Media and Marketing Executive of BCA, Ms. Creary’s goal is to bring national awareness to the counseling profession and the wealth of knowledge within the association’s membership.