5 Tips to combat Pandemic Fatigue
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What is Pandemic Fatigue!?!
Anyone who has been listening to the news or radio over the past few months has probably heard the term ‘pandemic fatigue’ used a lot by government officials and healthcare workers… but what is it?
The World Health Organization (WHO), defines pandemic fatigue as a “demotivation to follow recommended protective behaviors, emerging gradually over time and affected by a number of emotions, experiences and perceptions.” This can manifest in a number of different ways, such as not maintaining social distance, or not wearing your mask when required. As counselors it is our duty to ensure that we are protecting ourselves but also our clients, at all times.
Some of you may be faced with clients who are currently displaying signs of pandemic fatigue, so here are 5 Tips, that will hopefully assist.
5 Tips to combat ‘Pandemic Fatigue’
- Reflect and Accept
- Breathe and Meditate
- Monitor your social media: Stop ‘doomscrolling’ and limit time on your screens.
- Restore and Replenish your energy
- Be Active!
For more details regarding these strategies, check out UCHEALTH website: https://www.uchealth.org/today/5-tips-forhandling- pandemic-fatigue/